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At Sovereign Credit Union, your savings are referred to as shares, emphasizing the unique ownership aspect of being a member in a thriving financial co-operative.

As a member, you're not merely a customer – you're a valued owner who actively contributes to our cooperative's success.

Furthermore, your voice matters, as our members actively participate in shaping our business operations.

Benefits of Saving with Sovereign Credit Union:

  1. Enhanced Beneficiary Payouts: Your nominated beneficiary could receive up to twice the value of your savings.
  2. Profit Sharing: Reap the rewards of your membership through dividend payments, which represent your share of the profits.
  3. Safeguarded Savings: Your savings are diligently protected. Here's how:    


Explore our Regular Share Account:

  • Flexibility to save as little or as often as you prefer, with annual dividends enhancing your savings.
  • Utilize your deposits as collateral when borrowing, potentially granting you access to higher loan amounts.
  • Additionally, up to 50% of your savings can be used to guarantee another member's loan.

Tax Implications of Dividends:

  • Dividend payments must be declared to HMRC.
  • Dividends are announced at our Annual General Meeting and are directly credited to members' accounts.
  • Keep in mind that credit union dividends are akin to savings interest for taxation purposes, thus constituting taxable income.

At Sovereign Credit Union, we're dedicated to supporting your financial journey while ensuring transparency, growth, and community ownership.

To apply to become a member of Sovereign Credit Union, complete the form below:


  • Current Applicant details
  • Nominee/Beneficiary details
  • Complete

To apply for membership you must: 

  • Live, work or worship within the 'common bond', or

  • be in the same household as an existing member 

If you are unsure whether you qualify for membership, please contact us and one of are team will be able to verify this for you. 

Important information

This application is for membership only. If you wish to apply for a loan at the same time as applying for membership of the Credit Union, then you should use the loan application form here.

Membership terms and conditions are governed by the rule book

Membership entitles you to take part in the governance of the Credit Union in a democratic way. Provided they have paid all membership fees and are a valid member: each member has a share in the company, regardless of their share / savings balance, entitling them to 1 vote at any AGM, GM or SGM. 

Membership fees are payable on joining the Credit Union and then again at a weekly/monthly/annual rate, as will be decided from time-to-time by the board of directors.

We will use identity verification software to verify your identity as part of the application process.

Checks will be made against Credit Referencing & Fraud Prevention Agencies. A search may be registered against your credit record for this purpose.

We reserve the right to refuse your membership application.

Privacy and terms
To read the full privacy policy please click here: privacy policy
To read the full terms and conditions please click here: Terms & conditions
Who is the account for?
What is your name and date of birth?
What is your current address?
Have you lived here for at least 12 months?
What was your previous address?
And your address before that?

You can apply for up to 4 junior members at a time

What is the name of the first child you wish to apply for membership for?
What is their current address?
These include relastionships by way of marriage and/or adoption
Would you like to apply for another Junior Membership account?
What is their name?
What is their current address?
These include relastionships by way of marriage and/or adoption
Would you like to apply for a third Junior Membership account?
What is their name?
What is their current address?
These include relastionships by way of marriage and/or adoption
Would you like to apply for a fouth Junior Membership account?
What is their name?
What is their current address?
These include relastionships by way of marriage and/or adoption